jueves, 27 de septiembre de 2012

I think that will be the last time...

Have you ever done something for the second, third, or more times hoping the outcome will be different? You know, some say that is the definition of insanity. I think I agree. I have done something multiple times and I just have not enjoyed it. I think that will be my last time.

Relocation listings. This is what I am talking about. Relocation buyers are OK, but the listings, I don't think so. When you sign up for a relocation listing you agree to have the relocation company hover over your shoulder making what they believe are helpful hints. They know they are the experts because they found an article on NAR's website entitled "How to sell a house".

For all these helpful hints, I get to give them 43% of my commission. Of what is left, the brand I work for rolls back my split to 50/50. Then, the little that is left is split again 50/50 with my partner, who prefers to work with buyers. I know you are all slapping your foreheads exclaiming,"What in the world was he thinking?" I know, so am I.

I usually sell even these within the allotted 120 day window, but not before suffering through every 2 week reports as long as or longer than the original BPO. Only an insane man would continue to put up with this, so today I am saying, I have had enough. I think I will try to work smarter, not harder. As to the relocation listings, I think that will be the last time.

I write about daily life as a Realtor in the Towne Lake Community in Woodstock Georgia.

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