domingo, 30 de septiembre de 2012

Volunteering Requires ENERGY

Older Person HelperWithin real estate occupations a nice part of a flexible with your hours position such as this is you can plan in some volunteering to help out in society. But

      Volunteering Requires ENERGY.

Pretty much giving energy to a cause, a group, a family, or an individual where they don't have the energy themselves to get something done. I have heard that feed someone you feed them for a day but teach them to fish and you feed them for a lifetime. There is some truth to that, but not always. Sometimes people need your energy NOW. For cleaning, for taking them to the doctor, for cleaning their house, cleaning roadways, taking meals to them, building housing, dog dips, adopt a pet, the list goes on and on. I do not like volunteering for lazy people which I see that too unless I can get them to the participation like cleaning their house. I don't like to judge people but some do take advantage of volunteers that show up.

Beyond whatever you do,

REMEMBER it is your ENERGY you are bringing to the task.

You may not accomplish everything you want to do, or even complete the major project in time or all on your own, but just know WHATEVER ENERGY you bring to what you are volunteering to do


Besides frowning on the lazy people recipients out there I don't like the lip service volunteers either. Some can be fund raisers and money donations as well, but I think with like LOVE IN ACTION, people need to get their hands dirty and get INTO a task to help people, not just throw ONLY money at it. In the celebrity world like with Haiti, actor Sean Penn was on the island helping people after the earthquake. I really thought that was great, not just talking about money there for medical supplies and tents but DOING something.

DOING SOMETHING rates high in my book. Whatever it is, at whatever level, give your ENERGY to those in need. It will circle back and really make you feel like you are doing something in the world and ...

when you turn around and look at what you did that day, THAT was one day of your life VERY WELL LIVED!!!

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