sábado, 29 de septiembre de 2012

No One Tells Me What to Do!!! I Only Do It If I Want To.....

IMSDWhen we started taking RainCamp around the country in late 2009, I quickly came to realize that no matter how long you stand in front of an audience thirsty for knowledge, there was no way to impart everything we knew about a certain subject. Add that to the fact there were two of us sharing the stage (and sometimes more than two) and it was inevitable that after our 8 hour sessions about online real estate marketing, the folks in the audience always had a ton of questions.

It would usually end up being an hour before Ben and I were able to leave the room because our 8 hours of teaching had brought up as many questions as it had answered. I like to think of that as being indicative of the sheer volume of knowledge available on any of the many subjects we discussed at RainCamp, and not an indictment that Ben and I falied at delivering valuable content. (But maybe I'm just naive, haha)

As RainCamp would progress, and we would traverse the country hitting over 25 cities in the course of the next 18 months, it became very apparent that there was a need in the industry for nuts and bolts training about online marketing in the real estate space. Out of this realization IMSD was born.

What is IMSD you ask? While many of you are probably familar with it, it's the Internet Marketing Specialist Designation. If youa are not familar, it's essentially Ben Kinney's business in a box. Why would you want Ben's business in a box? Because IMSD is the same strategies, scripts, techniques and systems that Ben has used over the last few years to push his business to the point where his team did over 530 transactions in 2011. That was enough to land him on the Wall Street Journal's top 100 agents list for that year. (The list shows his team at 278 deals....but that's just his team in his one Bellingham office. His team actually covers multiple offices but apparently they won't count them all together)

But for anyone paying attention, we all know that online marketing in the real estate space moves pretty fast. What worked yesterday may not be what's working today. And so in the last few months we've been going back and revamping the original IMSD class and we're excited to announce Geeky 2.0.

The new IMSD Geeky 2.0 curriculum is broken up into three parts, social, search and system. In each section there are a series of live and on-demand webinars, homework assignments, and downloadable resources, that will show you how to implement your own online marketing systems on a tiny budget. This isn't theory! It's proven systems that agents around the country are implementing with great success. Of course Ben is using this stuff in his business currently and his team will probably close over 500 deals again in 2012 (if they don't, I know Ben will be pretty disappointed and I will be making him the butt of all my recession jokes in 2013.....yes, I have jokes on file for different subjects)

It's not very often that I write a commercial like this in my blog. Normally I'm sharing some random thoughts with you or talking about some upcoming webinar we are hosting or even giving a tutorial on some cool new feature on ActiveRain. But with the launch of IMSD Geeky 2.0 taking place on October 2nd, the guys at IMSD asked if I would consider writing something in my blog about Geeky 2.0. The only reason I agreed is because if you look at the post on their fan page or you take a look at their testimonials you will see that real people are having real success implementing IMSD's plan in their business.

And for me, the crux of ActiveRain has always been sharing what's working with each other. Sure, we get to rank well in the serach engines, we make some awesome friends, we get to have a place to vent with people that understand where we are coming from........but the real power of ActiveRain in my opinion is having thousands of your peers willing to share what's working for them. To that end, I'm just passing along the message.

If you sign up before the launch on October 2nd you can get started for only $99. (The full price is $399 but you don't have to pay the rest until later.) I have no question you'll recover your entire investment ten times over if you just put a little effort into it. There are folks out there that will swear this has transformed their entire business. If you put a lot of effort into implementing this plan......it could transform your business as well in 2013.

(in the spirit of full disclosure, ActiveRain and IMSD are both owned by Market Leader. But, as the title suggests, no one tells me what to do around here. I only post something in this blog if I want to.........yep, that's right!)


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