martes, 23 de octubre de 2012

Dazed and Confused in the Business of Life

OK, I admit I've been a bit too busy lately, but it really came to light in the past two weeks.  I guess Dazed and Confusedthere is a point where you shouldn't continue adding things to your schedule, but I have a hard time seeing that line sometimes because I'm a "make hay while the sun is shining" kind of person.

In the past two weeks, two missteps I made finally came home to bite me.  In that, they made me think I either need to hire an assistant, keep better records in my iPhone or just back off my busy life a little bit.  I'm not sure where I'll go with those options, but suffice to say something has to happen because I can't fire myself.

The first mistake was an MLS entry.  When I took a listing in June I had inputted the basic information in the site before I launched the listing.  At the listing agreement signing, the seller and I negotiated on the commission and I dropped it 1%.  I rarely do that, but this time I had a good reason.  The only problem was that I forgot to change it in the listing before I launched it. 

When the property went under contract I realized that I had forgotten to change that.  That meant my company was going to take 2% of the commission instead of 2.5%.  That doesn't sound like a lot, but it was $3000.  Ouch!  Lesson learned.  It was definitely a college level class education too.

The second one related to keeping my calendar.  I received a call from a closing agent today making reference to a closing I had today.  I had a closing today?  Really?  Yes, I did.  Only problem was I wasn't there or anywhere near the closing.  It wasn't a real problem, but it was a good reminder to slow down and take inventory of my life and what I'm doing. 

I hope you don't have expensive mistakes like that, but if you do, please learn from them.  I definitely won't submit an MLS listing with the wrong commission split again.  I say that today.  Check in with me in 6 months and let's see if I get amnesia again. 

1. Buying your first home in Winchester VA

2. What to look for when buying a foreclosure in Winchester VA

3. Short Sale inventory in Winchester VA

4. Winchester, VA - The best bedroom community for the Washington, D.C. area

5. Passion is contagious - Infect somebody!

6. Winchester, Virginia is a great place to buy a house at great discount!

7. This simple electrical test could save your life.

8. Turn setbacks into springboards

9. Reduce your mortgage by pre-paying principle and eliminating interest

10. What can I do to sell my home more quickly?


Give me a call for all your real estate needs, and let's make something amazing happen. 

Mike Cooper @ Cornerstone Business Group, Inc., 888-722-6029

Real Estate Sales and Property Management


(Disclaimer:  All grammatical mistakes, punctuation breakdowns and misspellings are purely for your amusement and entertainment.  Feel free to cackle.)

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