domingo, 14 de octubre de 2012

How Do You Get All Tasks|Marketing|Social Networking Done EVERY Day???

It seems like every time you turn around there is another list of items to add to your list of things you need to do on a daily basis for your business. 

To figure out how much time it takes you to do each of tasks take a piece of paper or two or three... and write down all the tiny and small tasks that should be done daily from calls to social media actions to calling leads and sending out thank your and other communications including all your marketing tasks. time management virtual assistants outsourcing

Then next to each item write how long you think it takes to get that task accomplished. When you add up all the time, subtract that from your 24 hour day you will know how much time those tasks take altogether. 

Take your 24 hour day, subtract the amount of sleep you need. If you sleep 8 hours a day then you are left with 16 hours.

Now out of the 16 hours, subtract how much time you exercise, prepare meals, eat meals, clean up the kitchen after meals, take a shower or bath, get dressed, put on your makeup, put a load of laundry in, walk the dog or whatever other personal tasks you have. Let's just say you can do that in 4 hours a day( highly unlikely. Subtract that from the 16 hours and you have 12 hours left.

Now, let's say you have children. You need to help them with their schoolwork, get them ready for activities, school, etc. So let's take off another 4 hours a day to take care of them, spouses, grandchildren and other family groups that need your attention.

This gives you 8 hours a day to get your work done.

What do you do with those 8 hours a day?

You go on appointments, make sales calls, drum up business....

Now, let's take a very small list of other actions and tasks that in our new technology centered world need attention:

  • Checking your emails
  • Checking your voicemail
  • Returning emails
  • Returning your messages
  • Checking in on Facebook
  • Adding to your status
  • Posting to Facebook
  • Checking in with groups and friends
  • Checking in on Twitter
  • Adding to your tweets
  • Following others
  • Retweeting others
  • Adding value to Twitter
  • Checking in on Pinterest
  • Adding pins
  • Checking in on Linkedin
  • Adding information to Linkedin
  • Checking in on Google + 
  • Adding posts to Google + 
  • Adding responses and likes on Google +
  • Checking in on ActiveRain
  • Adding comments on ActiveRain
  • Returning comments on ActiveRain 
  • Writing posts on ActiveRain 
  • Reaching out to others on ActiveRain 
  • Writing market reports for your websites
  • Writing articles for your websites
  • Vetting the leads in your lead generation system 
  • Apply the 'ten days of pain' to your leads in the system
  • Looking over the actions of your leads in the last 24 hours
  • Checking your comments on your website dashboard - deleting the spam comments 
  • Checking your SERPS 
  • Checking in with your adwords campaigns 
  • Guest blogging 
  • SEO comment making 

Now, that list is just the daily list of tasks. 

Weekly list: 

  • Create a video for youtube 
  • SEO the youtube video 
  • SEO your youtube channel 
  • Add comments to other people's videos on youtube
  • Post your YouTube videos on your websites and ActiveRain
  • Write a press release
  • Distribute the press release
  • Study about your market
  • Study about marketing your listing
  • Listing syndication 
  • Networking with agents for referrals 
  • Networking with professionals for referrals 
  • Direct mail campaigns
  • Expired listing campaigns
  • Calling all your leads
  • BPOs 
  • Creating slideshows of your listings

This list is in no way extensive! There are so many more tasks each week that we need to get done. 

Now, jot down the time it takes you to do each of these steps. One of the biggest time savers I use is a timer.I set timers for all of the actions. So like for Facebook, I set a timer for 5 minutes in the morning and 5 minutes in the evening or else it can turn into an hour very easily. Believe me on that one! 

But even 5 minutes here, 5 minutes there add up very fast and pretty soon you look up at the clock and wonder, "where did the time go?"

Sometimes you feel overwhelmed at all the tasks that need to be attended to each day. 

The key to all of this is delegation. You must delegate many of these tasks that need to be done but that you can train someone else to do. Some of you have teenagers in your home. You can hire them to do many of these tasks for you. 

You can also hire a virtual assistant. Most people I speak to don't hire virtual assistants for the following reasons: 

1. they don't know how to train others to do the tasks

2. they think a virtual assistant is too expensive

We have a full virtual assistant staff that works for us. We did all the trainings already. What we did was hire one VA manager who then trains and hires the assistants who work directly under him. He handles their paychecks, he takes care of their benchmarks and working schedules. This way we can create one training module for a task and then he is responsible to make sure the assistants all know the task. The other major task he has is hiring and firing. This is great because we don't have to run the craigslists ads and do the vetting. 

He is growing his company and we would love to pay it forward by recommending him to you to help get some of these tasks off of your plate. 

Most of the time if you get too overwhelmed your mind will just shut down. Then you are not doing any of the tasks. Don't get to the overwhelm stage. A virtual assistant can take 80% of those tasks off of your list! 

You can hire them for one hour a day or part time at 4 hours a day or even full time. We have 3 people working for us full time virtually. It is very cost effective. The prices they charge for what they do is not anywhere as high as you might think. 

Feel free to contact me if you are interested in having the virtual assistant team help you with all these tasks. Text me on my cell phone with your name and repeat your phone number in the body of your text at 561-502-1577. 


Nestor Gasset and Katerina Gasset- Realtors®, CIPS, ABR, SFR, GRI, REOS

International Properties & Investments LLC
Call us today at 561-753-0135 to get your house sold. 


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