martes, 23 de octubre de 2012

Real Estate & Wonder Woman: Unleashing Your Super Power

Ladies of Real Estate: Unleash Your Super Power!
Do you remember this lady? She was my all-time hero when I was 5 years old. I remember running around the living room, aluminum foil wrapped around my wrists, jump rope at my side, hopping onto the sofa, dodging imaginary bullets, and thinking I would save the world. 

Wonder Woman was my idea of the perfect woman- the ultimate description of what it truly means to be feminine. She was smart, sexy, demure, professional, and then the ultimate bad-ass when trouble started brewing. Of course, what else would you expect from an Amazon Warrior Princess?

Wonder Woman would always have it together! She would never forget where she left the keys to her invisible plane, never go through the drive-through at McDonalds, never skip her work-out because she slept late, and never fail to catch the bad guy because well... frankly it was "that time of the month". 

Wonder Woman was always at the top of her game. She never failed and never let anyone down. So how do WE do that? How do WE manage to be like Wonder Woman while juggling the responsibilities of real estate career and family and somehow still have time to look and feel and be so perfectly feminine?

It starts with organization. Not the kind of organization you may be used to hearing about where everything is perfectly filed and alphabetized, but the kind of organization that works for you as a chaos-cravin' crazy lady of real estate.
Wonder Woman definitely had chaos in her life. I mean c'mon, she chased bad guys for a living! Real Estate is our version of the chasing bad guys kind of chaos: It happens randomly at unexpected times, we have to drop everything and go, and somehow everything has to run smoothly in our absence and we need to arrive back home looking like we never even left. The woman who works 9-5 and has every weekend off, has no clue what it takes to be organized on the go. She cannot design our organizational system.
We're different, just like Wonder Woman was different. Our chaos-cravin' craziness, like any other super power, can be a weakness until we learn how to harness it, control it, and then unleash it's sheer awesomeness, OUR sheer awesomeness, upon the world. 
I would love to hear from you. What's one thing you've done to create some organization for yourself that actually worked? One thing you were able to maintain that helps you stay organized throughout your crazy chaotic real estate life on the go...
For me, I have to say it's the iPad; really delving into it and digging for the right apps and then learning how to use them. I used to have tons of lists and notebooks and files all over my desk, my car, my breakfast bar in the kitchen, the table next to the sofa in the living room... You KNOW what I'm talking about. Having the iPad changed my life in so many ways and eliminated a TON of clutter from my life. It's like my "Lasso of Truth" and it definitely helped me wrap up all my "bad guys" of chaos. 
Your turn... What's yours??
Master Agent Life is a highly specialized life coaching service designed specifically for women who are juggling real estate careers with families and desperately trying to find a way to manage everything and still find time for themselves.

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