martes, 23 de octubre de 2012

How hard can it be?

Emmary Simpson (Emmy) had a recent featured post where she talked about a homeowner taking over a home with a septic system, something very new and unfamiliar to them.

It was a post that resonated with me, as I run into these situations all the time.  No, not septic systems as we don't see a whole lot of those in our area.  But buyers who have moved into a home with some sort of a new system that they don't understand and don't bother to investigate.

Someone who buys a house with a pool, and has never owned a pool before.  They figure they can just "figure it out", buy some chemicals at CostCo, or Sams Club and throw it in there, and they'll be okay.  After all, how hard can it be?  Pool ownership is involved, expensive and time-consuming... it's not for everyone.

And while you can hire a service to handle your pool, there's a cost that goes with that.  And there aren't "services" to handle each and every new system.

What about simpler systems?  The former condo owner who's never had a lawn to care for. No problem... I'll go get an old push-mower, and get my exercise at the same time.  (What are those brown spots?)

The client who recently moved from a forced-air system into a home with a boiler and "talkative" radiators.   All that clattering in the radiators... the system must be broken, right?

The downsizing couple who sold their rambling tudor with expansive dormer-ing, who just moved into a small ranch with several flat roofs.  We've never had to worry about heavy snow on the roof... we don't have to worry here either.

The buyers who never owned an asphalt driveway and have no idea that it requires some care.  You just drive on it... right?

Or how about something closer to home.... me.  21 years ago, I moved into a Georgian with a basement and didn't know what a sump-pump was, nor that it needed to be 'plugged in' and working.  (don't ask).  I figured that a sump pump was something semi-invisible that you didn't have to worry about, nor maintain. We have since replaced our gutters with larger versions, extended our downspouts, and put in a high-quality sump.

Homeownership is not for the timid, and each new home, each new system within the home really requires your attention and is worth investigation.  Not learning about your systems can be a costly error, and may come back and bite you in the hindquarters.

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ALAN MAY, Realtor®
Specializing in Evanston Real Estate and North Shore Real Estate

Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate, 2929 Central Street, Evanston, IL 60201
847.425.3779      Cell: 847.924.3313      Email:

Evanston Real Estate & North Shore Real Estate
Licensed in Illinois


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