lunes, 15 de octubre de 2012

I'm Sorry * Bullying ME Does Not Get YOU the Keys to My Client's Property

I showed a nice lady a condo last week that is perfect for her and her trans-plant husband moving into the area for new new Job.

She met the nice "adult" neighbor and she was going to call her husband to view the home online ASAP.

About an hour later, I get a call from her that they want their family trust to be the tenant and while I said I would take anyone's check, she and her husband would be required to complete applications.  I gave her application forms and advised her that her husband could download one from my website.

Fast forward 5 days and I get an INCOMPLETE application IN THE MAIL from their SON who is in charge of their family trust.  The application has no financial information * does not contain the parents' names AND is POORLY written.

I called him when I received his application and left a message that 1) I need paperwork from his parents; and 2) I need them ASAP if they want to complete the process by their anticipated move-in date.

An hour later, I received a phone call from the father saying that they did not want to complete the application paperwork, that it asked for too much personal and financial information (HUH?) and that they would not be the tenants.  He proceeded to raise his voice at me when I suggested that I could not do my business that way and protect my client from my giving keys to NON-screened residents.

He indicated that he or his son had never seen such a rental process as it was intrusive.  

I am very sorry for his attitude and it is doubly unfortunate that he did not review my process online while his wife was still in the area looking for rental homes.

Yelling at me, belittling my process and BULLYING won't get him the keys to this very nice rental unit without ME doing my job and screening them. 



Central Virginia

View our available Charlottesville, Albemarle and Lake Monticello rental homes online with photos and floor plans

" be a Virginian, either by Birth, Marriage, Adoption, or even on one's Mother's side, is an Introduction to any State in the Union, a Passport to any Foreign Country, and a Benediction from the Almighty God...." Anonymous

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