martes, 23 de octubre de 2012

Smartphone Thefts- You're Not Just Losing Your Phone Anymore!

Smartphone Thefts - You’re Not Just Losing Your Phone Anymore!

I was reading an article today that discussed the increase of thefts of pickpocketsmartphones... in fact this article said that they were rising rapidly.   In the “good old days” if you lost your phone or someone took it, no big deal.  You replaced it, synced your contacts (if you were using some kind of “Contact backup” app provided by the carrier) and went on your merry way.

We’re not in Kansas anymore, Dorothy!  

It has been reported that:

“Nearly ½ of all robberies this year in San Francisco were cell-phone related.”

“7% of Smartphone users were victims of Identity Fraud (higher than the general public)”

SmartphoneAnd, some of these thieves don’t just grab your phone...there are some who have been killed just for what has become like another  appendage for us.  

Once more... it’s not just about the equipment.. it’s what’s in it.  We’re basically walking around with a small computer up to our ears, in our pocket, or in our hand.... yes... it’s about the information they can unlock to violate you even more.  

1.  Protect Your Phone- The other day my husband pointed out how many people were walking around with their phones in their hands.  

Can you MAKE  it any easier to steal your phone?  

Many of the thefts occurred while people were commuting.  Think how easy it would be for someone to just grab your phone from your hand (yes... someone did grab it from a lady while she was actually on it).    Or, you place it down somewhere while you step away for a cup of coffee.  

2.  Don’t Get Lazy-  Yes... it’s a pain to have to enter passwords and codes every time you’re entering a website, especially your bank but unless you just feel like giving your money away, that’s exactly what you’ll be doing.

3.  Connect with Care - it is suggested that you use your phone’s 3G or 4G connection vs public WiFi especially when accessing your financial accounts.   

Check to see if you have some kind of malware/antivirus protection available for your phone.

4.  Know What to Do-  If you have an iPhone make sure you’ve enabled say no“Find My iPhone”.  With this you can locate it, send a message for whoever has it to call you, or even delete all data.  This is what you’ll want to do if you think it’s been stolen.  

The Android Market has an App called Lookout Security & Antivirus but it’s $2.99/month if you want some extra services including the ability to delete your data.

5.  Remember... this wonderous gadget we have that makes our lives  easier is still a font of information for thieves and other earth scum to take and use for their own gain.

Don’t be the dumb one in your Smartphone relationship!  


Kathy Streib 
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