martes, 23 de octubre de 2012

Disrespect Is An Occupational Hazard

DisrespectDisrespect Is An Occupational Hazard

Try as we might to do everything right, some people will just refuse to see the value in us and our work. This was a somewhat strange week for us, because we don't normally get readily apparent disrespect, but twice this week we got reminders of just how some people can act.

Over the summer we had a listing. We were pushing top end of market for their home and we were clear on that when we expected the listing contract.  In 119 days we brought them three offers, with the third finally bringing an acceptable price & terms.  The buyer was NOT ours, and ultimately pulled out of the deal. Absolutely nothing we could have done to stop it. The sellers then asked to take their home off the market, too stressed to continue letting people in their home.  But they stated in about 30 days or in the spring they'd be ready to go back on the market with us.  And we believed them.  After all, we'd brought them 3 offers during a slow market and almost completed the sale of their home, right??  Why would any rational seller be dissatisfied with that?

So after 30 days we send an email just letting them know we'd hit the time frame the MLS days on market counter would reset and not count the previous 119 days.  Crickets.  No response.  We just figure that they're not quite ready yet and will respond later. 

Nope, a bit later we find them listed with another agent.  Insult to injury, the other agent took two new front photos of the home, but the other 13 were "borrowed" from our listing.  If you think we weren't happy about that you'd be right.  This from the same agent that's we'd let know a few months prior about a major problem with an MLS data entry on her most expensive listing.  So as far as we're concerned, that whole thing was a double tap of disrespect, both from the sellers and their new REALTOR(R).

And yesterday we had a showing scheduled for late afternoon with one of our listings.  5 p.m.  Yes, 5 p.m. on a Sunday.  We know it was 5 p.m. on a Sunday because we'd had TWO direct conversations with the buyer prospect asking for 5 p.m. on Sunday.  And she'd called back and confirmed 5 p.m. on Sunday on Saturday afternoon. 

So get there early, turn on the lights, prep the home for showing.  5 minutes, 10 one.  15 minutes, 20 one.  And my bad for not having her phone number with me, but she'd called on the other cell and I didn't have that number with me and couldn't call her.  After 30 minutes turned off the lights, locked the door and headed home.  Now short of having some family emergency, there's not much reason that we shouldn't have at least gotten a courtesy call saying plans had changed. 

Now we could spend a lot of time staying upset at these folks.  We'd have cause, right?  But people usually work in their own self-interest.  Now for the photo theft we did report to the MLS and we'll watch to make sure those photos come down.  You take the listing, you take the photos.  Pretty simple.  As for the rest, it's done.  Over.  Next.  Because for those that disrespect us, there are MANY more who do respect us.

We'll have a "new" listing in about a week.  A couple we worked with for over a year trying to sell their home.  After most of the year off, they're ready to try again and it's us that they're coming back to.

Another couple that we spend many months and showed many houses to closes next month.  They've said Thank You to us, many, many times.

A family that so far has referred us to a sister and two co-workers.  Three listings we've closed for those referrals, and two closings we've had directly with the family.

SunsetAnother family that we ARE their REALTORS® for life.  They have real estate needs, we're it.

So for those folks who disrespect us, you get your two minutes.  We can be irritated by your behavior, but we're moving on.  And if I hadn't had that no show showing yesterday, I would have missed seeing a dozen hot air balloons all flying and a bit later one beautiful sun setting in a clear autumn sky.

Life is good.

Serving Warren County's residential real estate needs,
Liz and Bill aka BLiz

The Liz Spear Team
Elizabeth & William Spear
RE/MAX Elite:  Ask for us by name if you visit the office!
Two locations: Lebanon & Mason, OH
Liz direct:  513-265-3004
Bill direct: 513-520-5305      Fax: 866-302-8418

MailTo:  Our Website: Warren County Ohio Homes




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