martes, 16 de octubre de 2012

The large number and array of calls and questions I received and answered in just one weekend prove beyond a shadow of a doubt ...

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The large number and array of calls and questions I received and answered in just one weekend prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt ...




     Contact Gene Mundt, Mortgage Lender

     The market is changing!  I'm hearing a huge assortment of questions regarding mortgages once again ...


     This weekend's calls and contacts brought me a full array of  questions regarding mortgage financing.  Their questions showed me they're paying attention and doing their homework in advance to  contacting  me.   It also shows that  THEY ARE GETTING  GOOD, SOUND GUIDANCE  FROM THE AGENTS and PROFESSIONALS THEY ARE CHOOSING TO WORK WITH!  Absolutely fantastic to hear and experience ...

     What were some of the Buying and Financing scenarios I heard??

  •      First-Time Home Buyers seeking  Mortgage and Credit Counseling.  The message about the importance of planning for a home purchase is getting through!  Financial planning, credit advice, and credit/financial guidance is so vital, especially to the First-Time Home Buyers portion of the real estate market.
  •      First-time Home Buyers  -  Financing for $100,000 and under  Conventionally!
  •      Parental Investment Buyers  -  Parents and family members are seeking ways to assist younger family members towards home ownership, either through a traditional investment purchase or a purchase/rent-back of properties.  Each party I spoke with understands that NOW is an unbelievably good time to buy a home ... and they don't want their young family member to miss out on the opportunity to take advantage of this advantageous market and present low interest rates.  The message is getting through!
  •      Jumbo Loans  -  People are again inquiring about buying higher-priced homes ... or Refinancing them.  But availability of this financing had gotten harder to secure or find.  JUMBO's are available though.   Just as a note:  I just successfully Refinanced a home owner into a Jumbo,  7/1 ARM.  It was a perfect solution for him.  We sat down, discussed ALL his options.  He thoroughly educated himself prior to moving forward.  Buyers and Home Owners are taking the time to  EDUCATE  themselves.  Again, our industry's message regarding the importance of this IS getting through!
  •      Sellers hoping to become Buyers again ... soon!  I'm seeing back-to-back transactions more often.  This is a very good sign as to the health of our real estate market.  
  •      Again, addressing the same scenario:  Sellers looking to Buy another home ... immediately ... with FHA financing on the next purchase.  I am THRILLED to see this option (and other options) being discussed again.
  •      Buyers presently living with family members, so they can save funds for a down payment.  I've actually talked to potential home buyers with  15% PLUS  Down payment recently.   They are trying to avoid mortgage insurance.  Educated buyers ... with a vision and financial plan!  I am so loving it ...

     All these calls in one weekend proves something to me ... our housing market is improving and returning to better health.  It also tells me that

my  blog, efforts, and  consultations,  as well as those of others, are helping potential Home Buyers and those thinking (and capable) of Refinancing.  People are paying attention and actually seeking ways to educate themselves, solve their problems, address their personal financial scenarios, and get back to pursuing their dreams.

     Also good news is ... I have loan products available through my company,  American Portfolio Mortgage Corp.,  that can assist them and better their lives.   From those seeking VA  financing solutions ... to 

FHA Rehab Loans (203-K) ... to  JUMBO  financing ... to  FHA  and more,  financing options exist.

     The Bottom Line is this:

       Contact Gene Mundt, Mortgage Lender Everyone's financing transaction is personal to them, their financial situation, and standing.  Comparing apples to apples ... well, it just doesn't exist or apply any longer.  Mortgages and financing has gotten that

ultra-personalized in detail. 


      Buyers, those refinancing, and the professionals assisting them, need to work with and refer a  Mortgage Lender  that offers options.  A Mortgage Lender that offers a  menu of mortgage programs.  A Mortgage Lender with experience, expertise, and a broad-based knowledge and understanding of the  entire financing transaction, from beginning to end.  Your Mortgage Lender needs to know every step and how to execute today's home buying transaction, navigate today's mortgage processing, and successfully Close today's challenging mortgage financing.

    The large number and array of calls and questions I received and answered in just one weekend prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt ...    


     *  Hoping to Buy or Refinance a home in the  New LenoxJolietWill County, or Chicagoland region?  Contact me  today!  I'll put my

35+ years of mortgage experience and expertise to work on your  behalf.

     I can be found at any of the following:

Direct:   815.524.2280 

Cell/Text:   708.921.6331 

eFax:   815.524.2281 

Skype:   630.219.1316   

I also can be found through each of the following Social Media:     


Gene Mundt Chicago Bancorp Facebook link logo           Gene Mundt Chicago Bancorp LinkedIn link logo           Gene Mundt Chicago Bancorp AR Google link logo           Gene Mundt Chicago Bancorp AR Twitter logo link   

Pinterest Banner & Link to Gene Mundt, Mortgage Lender

Gene Mundt, Sr. Vice President - Chicago Bancorp mortgage lender      

Gene Mundt

Regional Manager - Mortgage Lender

                                                                    Personal NMLS #216987

American Portfolio Mortgage Corp. Logo

NMLS # 175656
Equal Housing Opportunity Lender logo

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