martes, 23 de octubre de 2012

What's the Buyer do for a living?

I just love this story, happened several years ago. 

I listed an Amherst NH home for sale The owners were an older couple, very old fashioned as was their decorating, you know paisley recliners, retro kitchen and shag carpeting.  I thought it was going to be a tough sell based on how it showed, but its location was great, it had water frontage and we priced it to sell.

I receive an offer on a Friday morning and give them a call.  Mrs. Seller answers and I ask if I can come over and discuss the offer I have for them.   Mrs. Seller says, "my husband is taking a nap, he'll be sleeping for a couple of hours, can we do it later?"  Yes of course I say,  "how about 3 PM?"   Perfect.  As we are finishing our conversation and ready to hang up she says, "What does the buyer do for a living?"  Hmmm, interesting question, I would have expected "how much are they offering?"   I tell her "he's a pilot."

I arrive at 255, always 5 minutes early or you're late in my book.  We sit down at the kitchen table and I pull out the offer.  We discuss the terms and price and Mr. Seller says "What does the buyer do for a living?"  I am thinking What?  What is their interest in his profession?  This is the second time they have asked what the buyer does for a living and they don't seem to be focusing on the offer. 

I tell him that the buyer is a pilot for a private company and will be working locally out of the Nashua Airport. Mr. Seller turns to Mrs. Seller and says, "See, I told you he wasn't a pirate!"

You have no idea how hard it was for me not to bust out laughing.  You CAN'T make this stuff up!




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Rene Brin

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