martes, 2 de octubre de 2012

Friendships Born in the Rain, Meet-up on the Lake

Friendships Born in the Rain, Meet-up on the Lake

I have to admit I had high expectations of my journey to Fishhawk Lake. How could I not? I’d viewed scores of beautiful photos taken by my lovely and dear friend Gayle, followed her engaging blog that described this enchanting place she calls home. 

However, the ever so humble Gayle left out the part about her amazing, gigantic, gorgeous home nestled on the shore of Fishhawk Lake...

Fishhawk Lake is a photographer's dream...

I knew all three women, Gayle Rich Boxman, Mel Peterson and Debb Janes through their posts, emails and phone calls, but wondered if they’d be larger than life in person as they are in the Rain. Suffices to say, all three women are even more amazing in their own unique ways and here is what I observed...

Debb greeted me at the airport with a big, warm bear hug. She’s as smart, enigmatic and grounded as I had expected. However, in life, she’s a little thing, petite and beautiful, quietly reserved……..until she throws out a one-liner that had us roaring with laughter!  Witty and funny is an understatement! Moreover, Debb is the epitome of family values, community, unwavering in her commitment to preserving the environment. While small in stature, she is larger than life!

Mel stands tall and beautiful - almost intimidating if she wasn’t so kind, caring and genuine – what you see is what you get - no subterfuge with Mellow Mel!  I was captivated by the elegant words she strings together telling us riveting stories as only Mel can do. She’s lead a fascinating life, weathered many storms and lives with a grateful heart.  To know Mel, is to love Mel, and she's even more intriguing in person.

Last, but hardly least, Gayle! She is a lovely, beautiful ball of positive energy; the most gracious hostess with a heart the size of Texas. You are swept up in her passion for all things nature, animals and passion for the Fishhawk Lake community…….but I knew all that.

The big surprise was not only the size of her home (with a media room bigger than any I've ever seen),  but how skillfully and lovingly she's decorated it, fit for Better Homes and Gardens. She incorporates nature, local art, and Indian artifacts into her unique lakefront design making it a living, thriving home  surrounded by breathtaking views of Fishhawk Lake... 

Many times while out on the pontoon, enveloped by raw beauty, we noted what an incredible journey Active Rain had taken us on, drawing us all together from different parts of the country, forming lifelong friendships.

Never in my wildest dreams did I foresee meeting the most amazing women, sharing our lives as we bonded on the magical Fishhawk Lake.

This is a snapshot into our dreamy days spent together bonding, laughing, crying or just being still...

I was elated to meet Gayle's gentle giant, Summer...

We saw two movie stars...............wait, that's Debb & Mel!

A more gracious and thoughtful hostess you will not find...

I'm in LOVE...

We girls are in our element shopping at The Purple Moon in Cannon Beach...

Mel is unflappable, the calm in any storm, and deserving of the name Mellow Mel...

Debb found her family's philosophy on a sign she purchased, already hanging in her home...

We ALL fell in love with Dakoda and Kasa, the sweetest Goldens with huge personalities!

Our Day at Cannon Beach followed by shopping, and a delicious dinner at Pirate's Cove - the perfect day as planned by our perfect host, the lovely Gayle Rich-Boxman!

It was bittersweet leaving Fishhawk Lake, saying goodbye to all these delightful women, but in my heart I knew we’d meet again.  

A big thank you to ACTIVE RAIN - this all came to fruition as a result of signing up for this amazing network where miracles never cease!  

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