viernes, 5 de octubre de 2012 Real Estate Roller Coaster Contest Real Estate Roller Coaster Contest

Real Estate CrashMost people like roller coasters. Right? Maybe it's just me, but something about the anticipation of climbing that first big hill knowing that at the top things are going to take a pretty good turn and send you speeding down toward the bottom, as your stomach jumps from it's normal location to somewhere just below your throat.....that gets me excited.

Or maybe you hate them. They make you sick. Or you always end up next to that kid who you're thinking is just a little too young......right before he pukes on your new mickey mouse hoodie.

Either way, love them or hate them, the roller coaster has been a symbol of the housing market for a long time. In recent years of course this has been exacerbated as the peaks and valleys were more pronounced.

Of course, if it was the price of my home making that slow chug uphill (yay!), only to be followed by a startling plunge (that little kid just puked on me!!), I'd definitely have a different feeling. For many people, the terror of the roller coaster is that slow chug uphill. I doubt you'd find one homeowner that was scared of the climb their home values took as we headed toward March of 2007. But the terrifying realization that the coaster is headed downhill (and fast) no doubt had families wondering how we got to the bottom so fast.........and what happened to all the equity they'd built in the run up of housing prices.

But each and every one of us know, the housing market is local. No matter how well does at putting together an overall view of the massive amount of value lost in homes during the five year crash (9 Trillion dollars....with a T), a local agent is going to be able to guide a consumer in a much better fashion.

With the recent launch of the 'Riding the Trillion Dollar Real Estate Recovery Coaster' infographic, we'd like our members, the local agents in the field, to share with your clients and potential clients what's going on in your local market. Are housing prices rebounding like the national numbers are showing? Or are you still seeing price declines across the board? Do you have low inventories with prices hovering near the bottom? Essentially, on which part of the roller coaster is your local market?

Some of you are going to massively disagree with the conclusions reached in the article. You should! Your local market hasn't recovered any value in the housing market. You might even be headed further down. Show us how these large national statistics don't mean squat to someone considering buying or selling in your market. No doubt, a few of you will see striking parallels between your market and the national trends. Use the article and infographic as a backdrop for sharing what is actually happening locally.

The point of the infographic was to show the massive fluxuations in real estate prices nationwide, but even more so, to point out that real estate is local, and only a local professional can give them a good idea of what's happening in their area.

Head over and check out the 'Riding the Trillion Dollar Real Estate Recovery Coaster' infographic. Then write a blog post about what you see happening in your local market.

A couple of things for entering the contest:

  • Each post submitted will be worth 1500 ActiveRain points. But remember, the point (pun intended) is to inform the people in your area what's happening locally. So there isn't a minimum number of words.......but for goodness sake, make it informative enough so that if someone landed on your post and read it, they'd consider you a real estate expert in your area.
  • In order to submit your post, please include a link to your post in the comment section of this blog post.
  • Submissions must be made by October 11th at 11:59pm Pacific Time to qualify for points.
  • Please, in your post either link back to the original post on, or embed the original infographic on your post. Instructions for embedding the infographic are located on the original post on

If you would like to write a blog post on your non-ActiveRain blog (maybe you have wordpress, or a blog on your website) and submit that post as a link in the comment section of this post, that is fine. We will only award points for one post that you can either be from your ActiveRain blog or your personal blog.

The team will be paying close attention to these posts. They'd like to be able to use some of the better posts on We'll certainly notify you if there is interest in putting your post up on to see if you might be interested in a great backlink from a high quality domain.

We're looking forward to seeing where you are on the roller coaster......but your clients and potential clients want to know more. So get out and share your findings with your sphere.

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